Our Promise

Wellbeing of All Our People

Growing Our Economy

Good Governance

Security, Law & Order

Environmental Sustainability

Wellbeing of All Our People

Wellbeing of All Our People

Ensuring the wellbeing, health and happiness of all our people by making available

  • Hardship Relief
  • Good Jobs
  • GOod Roads
  • Electricity
  • Affordable Healthcare
  • Good Quality Education
  • Potable Water
  • Women & Youth Empowerment

Growing Our Economy

Growing Our Economy

Leveraging our competitive
advantages to grow our economy
and create wealth.

  • Increased Agricultural Production.
  • A Buoyant Creative Industry
    (Movies, Music, Arts).
  • Made-In-Edo Products.
  • Attracting Visitors.
  • Culture & Tourism.
  • Mining.
  • Job Creation.

Good Governance

Good Governance

Delivering quality services
while ensuring transparency
and accountability.

  • A Motivated Workforce.
  • Listening to the People.
  • Fiscal Responsibility.
  • Being Accountable.
  • Consolidating E-Governance.
  • Inclusive Government.
  • Transparency.

Security, Law & Order

Security, Law & Order

Ensuring security, law and order as the
foundation of our prosperity

  • Supporting the Police
  • Adopting Technology
  • Community Engagement
  • Rule of Law
  • Restoring Our Values
  • Social Stability
  • Community Trust

Environmental Sustainability

Environmental Sustainability

Protecting our environment and our future.

  • Growing Sustainably
  • Erosion & Flooding Control
  • Reforestation
  • Green Spaces
  • Renewable Energy
  • Green Micro-Grids
  • Resilient Cities
  • Protecting Our Future